Whole House Humidifier Installation

Installing a humidifier in your home can make raise the comfort level of your home. During the winter, no one likes to wake up with a dry throat, skin, bloody nose, you name it! Single room humidifiers can cause particles to build up in your furnace filter which may cause you extra money to have to repair your furnace. Whole-house humidifiers distill the water so there are no minerals and particles being released into the air. Call Prior Lake Heating and AC today to inquire about a whole-house humidifier.

Benefits of installing a whole-house humidifier:

  • Your family’s health: Whole-house humidifiers can reduce the development of respiratory infections, allergy and asthma complications.

  • Comfort: Whole-house humidifiers can increase the comfortability throughout your home in the winter by maintaining your desired level of humidity

  • Furniture and flooring preservation: Whole-house humidifiers help preserve furniture and hardwood floors by preventing cracks and paint chipping.

  • Energy bill savings - Humidity makes your home feel warm even at a lower temperature, which can save you money on utility bills.